Updated:  July 21, 2001

This list of links has been reviewed (each site read carefully) and selected because in some way it helps to provide scientific support for the existence of religious beliefs concerning resurrection, eternal life and the existence of spirit, as well as help support scientifically all genuine evidence-based mediumship and the concept of life after physical death and after death communication.

There are primarily two broad sectors which of necessity must converge to provide this scientific support: The Physical Sciences which includes mainly physics and its branches and the Social Sciences which mainly involves psychology and the study of consciousness.  The so-called more tangible sciences such as biology and chemistry deal primarily  with the here and now so that this field falls outside their purview and one cannot always expect them to provide any support for the concept of life after physical death.

The objective of this listing is to place in one cohesive place all the literature and scientific work that has taken place.

No claims are made with respect to these findings. Readers can use this material to make up their own minds or draw their own conclusions. Some of this work is hotly debated and others are contested by colleagues or skeptics, both of the closed and open minded type. Of the two types of behavioral thought, open mindedness is more in line with the spirit of true scientific inquiry. Close mindedness has been associated throughout history with denial of many important advances that were made in spite of this kind of objection.  Some advances may’ve been successfully stymied by close minded objection  but it is often  impossible to say what they are or what they would’ve been.

This site covers materials only related to the scientific support for evidence based mediumship, life after death or eternal life, and the ability to communicate with the consciousness of those who have crossed over from a physical to a so-called spiritual existence.  It does not presuppose the validity of any other kind of so-called “psi” experiences although these may be related to this phenomena. Out of necessity evidence derived from physics, astrophysics, quantum physics and related fields which support the notion of parallel universes or dimensions are therefore included as these provide the basis for locality of energy embodying the consciousness of those who have died in this physical universe or dimension.

This site is strictly non-commercial. There are no hidden agendas,  no books, classes, services, equipment or workshops to sell, and no request for funding of any kind. However, some of these links may contain that kind of material. This site has no participation in these.  There are no back links or commission programs;  this site maintain its editorial integrity and summarily rejects all offers for advertising or pay per clicks. We do not retain the e-mail addresses of visitors andprovide this information to any third party. However,  no one can control what is done with this information once you link onto ongoing sites.

Updated versions of this list will be sent to prior recipients or requestors unless notified that it is not wanted.

 Omitting any links or websites may’ve been due to the fact that we were either unaware of them or because they did not fit the precise criteria of what is included here. Please e-mail us if you have a site which you feel fits here.  The organizers of this site reject the notion of supernatural (this is natural), parapsychology (this is psychology) and paranormal (this is normal). We do not deny the fact that organized mainstream and many non-mainstream faiths have recognized and supported resurrection and eternal life for millennia but we believe the organizers of these religions were tapping into the physical and psychological phenomena that are now being defined in secular terms. We urge religionists of any faith to continue in their beliefs but perhaps  to do so with  the knowledge that there may be both religious as well as secular or scientific reasons for their beliefs.  Skeptics of any ilk are urged to continue to unmask and police fraudulent mediums and practitioners of so-called supernatural or paranormal phenomena but to recognize that the existence of charlatans, fakers and fraudulent practitioners does not provide sufficient cause for the a priori rejection of all phenomena associated with this field.  We also urge open minded individuals to continue to play devil’s advocate (no pun intended) and to debate, contest or question this kind of information  so that it can either be made stronger and more defensible or be dismissed on scientifically valid grounds.

NEW! SurvivalScience Listserv

At the suggestion of Dr. Victor Zammit a listserv called Survival Science
has been created for the collaboration of scientists, genuine mediums
and experiencers to be kept appraised of happenings in this field.  
If you wish to become a member of this listserv and to be able to read
as well as post information for the benefit of this community, please 
click on the link below and you will be taken through the relatively 
simple process of being subscribed. There is no charge for thi service 
and your email addresses are not distributed or used by Yahoo groups 
unless you give them permission to do so.

Thank you.

Please feel free to share this link and message with anyone on your list
of correspondents you believe would be interested.





Campaign for Philosophical Freedom/Life After Death

This site is published by Michael Roll in England. Reviewers should at the very least read the articles and correspondence sections completely.  Michael’s campaign is directed against government controlled TV media in the U.K. which apparently censures or censors debate and presentation of scientific evidence of the type presented here.

Click on:

On-Line Textbook from Dr. Victor  Zammit in  Sydney, Australia

This is a long, multi-chaptered site  that provides interesting reading. It covers both evidence based physical and mental mediumship and couples that with scientific underpinnings. It provides an excellent introduction to this field on historical as well as current grounds.  This text will be updated within the next week or so and we will provide updated URL at that time.

Click on:

On-Line text of the book Beyond the Physical-A Synthesis of Science and Occultism in Light of Fractals, Chaos and Quantum Theory by Dr. Donald DeGracia.

Although DeGracia's book only briefly touches upon the issue of survival in all this he makes an important case for the existence of related phenomena that needs to be addressed by science.

Click on:

A Paradigm Shift from the Supernatural to the Natural

This is an online essay by medium Marlene M. Hanna. It appears on a commercial online magazine but provides an interesting point of view of a medium who has come around to a more scientific way of thinking about what she does in her work.

Click on:

BBC Science News Reports – April 2000 and April 2001

Here are two reports from BBC Science News Service. The first one contains information reporting that scientists studying telescopic pictures have definitely concluded the universe is flat, not curved. The second one, built somewhat on this finding, posits the existence of parallel universes and dimensions. Some scientists working on this area and its relation to the survival of the consciousness are not so sure this supports this. However, looking at this as an over-simplification may be necessary.

If the universe is expanding, and if there are 11 dimensions rather than the three we know here plus time (4th), then at the very least this provides the locality so fervently reported to us by mediums where their spirit communicators reside. Anyway read the reports and file the information for further consideration. 

On the Flat Universe Proven

Click on:

On Parallel Universes (dimensions), The M-Theory and Big-Bang

Click on:

Quantum Consciousness by Dr. Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona)

Click on:

Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein
an address delivered on May 5th, 1920, University of Leyden

Click on: (local text)


Holographic Theory for Eternal Life and After Death Communication

Debby's West's On-Line essay on Holographic Communication Theory

Click on:  

Michael Talbot's book "The Holographic Universe" - Here are a few reviews

Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram by Edgar Mitchell, Sc. D.

Click on:


Cosmic Superstring Theory

Some physicists working in quantum physics have tried to tie the superstring theory to some of this phenomena. Some of this is way beyond us, but the simulated illustrations have reminded a number of mediums and others of “visions” they have had. They never saw these pictures before, and only had the recall after they were shown to them.

You decide for yourself how this can be related.

Click on:

Here’s more on String Theory and M-Theory:

Click on:  

Extrasenory Perception of Subatomic Particles: Historical Evidence

Click on:


Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental Transcommunication

There is a worldwide body of researchers who are working on the problem of establishing electronic communication with  “spirits” trans-dimensionally.  This work has been inspired by early findings of this nature that are related. We have chosen a number of the most interesting of these sites. This field can be further explored by connecting with onward links. There are also sound files on some of these sites which can be listened to.

Instrumental Contact With the Dead

Click on:

The Ghost in the Machine (Psychic Journal)

Click on:

(tip: checking the archives of this website will reveal many more interesting articles as well)

Instrumental Transcommunication Research: University of Western Ontario

Click on:

(tip: this abstract is included among the abstract book for the Tucson conference on Consciousness; back and forward linking will open up many other abstracts on the subject of consciousness research. Since this is a big document of continuous abstracts you may have to search this site for this paper)

The Alpha Mystery

Click on:

American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena

Click on:

German Association for Transcommunication Research (English Version Available)

Click on:

National Association of Transcommunication – Brazil (English Version Available)

Click on:

Noah’s Ark Society – Dedicated to Physical Mediumship has an interesting introduction to EVP

Click on:

(tip: there are many other interesting articles on this website though not necessarily related to the objectives of this list)

Spiritweb article by American EVP Researcher Mark Macy

Click on:

Here’s an FAQ Type Article on EVP that is pretty well done as well

Click on:

Here’s a brief article by Dr. Michael Daniels on his website Psychic Stunts, Ghostly Voices

Click on:

Here’s an article on EVP by Alex Cavallari, NYS Director of Skywatch International

Click on:

Here’s A webarticle from Belgium on EVP but in English

Click on:

And an article from the World ITC organization (Mark Macy)

Click on:

And a journalistic piece on EVP from a paranormal magazine

Click on:

The Physics of Immortality (book Review) by Frank Tipler

Click on:

Unseen Dimensions Can Explain Weakness of Gravity

Click on:


The Physics of Trance Channeling

Another article from the Psychic Journal of interest here:

Click on:




University of Arizona Study on Accuracy in Mediumship Readings

Making a case for evidence-based mediumship.

Dr. Gary Schwartz and colleagues at the University of Arizona have conducted a number of trials to determine the accuracy of what they call  anomalous communications (with spirits) using well known mediums:  G. Anderson, J. Edward, S.Northrop,  L. Campbell   and A. Gehman. The full first study was published  in the Journal of the Society of Psychical Research in England in January, 2001.

Copies can be obtained from them or one might also try writing or e-mailing Dr Schwartz at for a reprint or e-mail version of the article. With the permission of Dr. Schwartz, you can download this document (size 95k) in zipped Word format (.doc) by clicking here.

Below are some related websites including a copy of the abstract online:  

Potential Medium to Departed to Medium Communication of Pictorial Information: Exploratory Evidence Consistent with Psi and Survival of Consciousness (1999)

Click on:


Click on:

Articles in Local Press:

Responses to criticism regarding the Unversity of Arizona experiments (Dr. Schwartz to James Randi)
(HTML hosted locally, size is 86k)

Click on:

Visit Dr. Schwartz’ Lab: Human Energy Systems Laboratory-University  of Arizona

Click on:

Theory of Enformed Systems/James Clerk Maxwell Project

Susy Smith Project

Click on:


Consciousness Studies

Visit the Tucson II Conference (1998) and scan the abstracts for areas of interest.

Click on:

The Challenge of Consciousness Research by Dr. Brian Josephson

Click on:

Can Physics Provide a Theory of Consciousness?

Click on:

Can the Consciousness Survive (death)? A collection of useful links. Pick and choose carefully.

Click on:

The Roots of Consciousness by Dr. J. Mishlove

An online textbook that draws attention to areas where consciousness studies and physics merge.

Click on:

Survival of Consciousness: Aiming at Measurements by James E. Whinnery, Ph. D., M.D. (Dept of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, West Texas A&M University)

Click on:

Spirit Visions and Nonlocal Reality by Melvin L. Morse, M.D.

Click on:


Hypnosis and Past Lives Regression and Past Lives of Young Children

Among the major  researchers in the field of reincarnation and past lives regression hypnosis are Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Michael Newton. Here are their websites:

Dr. Ian Stevenson and Colleagues at the University of Virginia:

Click on:

Dr. Michael Newton:

Click on:

Carol Bowman's Children's Past Lives:

Click on:

An online article by Dr. Stevenson from University of Virginia

Click on:

A case of spontaneous hypnotherapy regression

Click on:




The scientific investigation of NDEs and OBEs may  provide further support for the existence of life after death and after-life communication. Although many of the websites on the internet are experiential in nature, we have reviewed a few comprehensive sites that help in understanding these phenomena.

Near Death Experiences and the Afterlife

Click on:

What are Near Death Experiences and are they OBEs?

Click on:

International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS)

Click on:

Ballabene's OBE and Astral Pages

Click on:

CRV Manual - Remote Viewing Manual outlining the CRV structure developed by Ingo Swann, utilized by the Army's 'psychic spy' unit

Click on:


Charles T. Tart Articles on OBEs

Charles T. Tart, Ph.D., a Core Faculty member of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, is internationally known for his psychological work on the nature of consciousness (particularly altered states of consciousness), as one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology, and for his research in scientific parapsychology.

A Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Selected Subject

Click on:

A Second Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Gifted Subject

Click on:

A Further Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Gifted Subject, Robert A. Monroe

Click on:

Six Studies of Out-of-the-Body Experiences

Click on:




Partial List of Scientists Supporting Survival Research

Click on:

University of Virginia - Staff Articles on Reincarnation and Paranormal Occurrences

Click on:

Revising the Survival Research Paradigm by Michael Grosso

Click on: